A diverse, inclusive and multidisciplinary centre of study and research, located in the heart of London’s vibrant design community.
About the School
Exceptionally well-equipped civil engineering materials testing laboratory; a focus for construction materials and geotechnical engineering research.
Each year mechanical engineering students use this workshop to design and build a racing car which is entered in the international Formula Student Competition at Silverstone.
The Research Centre for Biomedical Engineering (RCBE) laboratory is a highly specialised facility that is aimed at the development of cutting edge sensing and diagnostic as well as rehabilitation devices.
A fully equipped, professional user testing facility capable of evaluating anything from websites and mobile apps to smart TVs and consumer products.
Newly opened study and collaborative space for students and staff.
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State of the art apparatus for physical modelling of complex geotechnical problems at reduced scale and high g.
关于VPN(虚拟专用网络)试运行的通知:2021-6-24 · 各单位、各位教职工:为方便我院师生在校外使用校内网络资源,信息化建设办公室特开通了VPN(虚拟专用网络),并将校内访问的系统加入VPN,方便师生校外使用。现将有关VPN的使用规定和使用方法通知如下:一、遵循条款:常州机电职业技术学院VPN服务用于方便学校教职工通过互联网,伍 …
Windows 10系统安装虚拟专用网客户端工具 - 安全技术 - 亿速云:1 天前 · 由于很多情况下,员工出差时会用到虚拟专用网技术访问公司内部的资源,加之现在个人的电脑大多都是Windows 10系统,由于安装windows 10系统需要安装一些组件,那么就简单介绍一下如何在Windows 10的系统上安装虚拟专用网客户端工具。
City's Merlin MP520 simulator is fitted with a two-axis motion system and closed cockpit design for greater immersion, and is used to provide the link between theory and practice in the study of aerodynamics and the mechanics of flight.
Two subsonic wind tunnels, equipped with state-of-the-art test equipment including advanced laser-based velocity measurement systems and a six-component force balance for complete characterisation of the aerodynamic loads on wind-tunnel models.
The supersonic wind tunnel is part of the National Wind Tunnel Facility and is equipped with state-of-the-art test equipment including advanced laser-based velocity measurement systems.
Modern test rig for the characterisation of micro gas turbines for electrical power output below 15kW including mapping of compressor and turbine characteristics.
广东石油化工学院虚拟专用网络( 使用说明 - gdupt:2021-4-15 · 广东石油化工学院虚拟专用网络(VPN)使用说明 1 我校虚拟专用网络(VPN)新版本已于2021 年11 月正式启用,该版本支持PC、笔记本电脑、手机等多种终端。有关新版本VPN 事项说明如下。 …
See where our students study, including our labs, computing facilities and learning spaces. The school is ideally situated between Tech City, Clerkenwell and the City of London, giving you the opportunity to benefit from our excellent links with industry.
Our Professional Liaision Unit (PLU) promote professional development by helping students focus on planning in pursuit of achieving excellence, building a portfolio of skills, employability, and understanding the professional, legal and ethical issues that underpin the professions.
Join us on our ingenious engineering Tumblr platform, where we collect fascinating visual case histories and news of novel engineering developments. Become part of our active online community
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